
Posts Tagged ‘lurgy’

Last Wednesday I went to a book launch. I posted about it. I started feeling a bit off, put on a mask and went home quick smart. It was a light cold and I thought I was over it until Friday or Saturday when I started coughing. Come Sunday night, I didn’t sleep, I coughed and coughed until I was a wreck and I felt so ill. I coughed until I vomited, not pleasant. I also experienced a dreaded pee your pants moments, over and over and I thought my life was over! No doctor’s appointments available until the next day and I couldn’t work. Tested at home and negative for Covid, then did a triple test for Covid, Flu AB and RSV. Still negative. Doctor tested me for whooping cough (even though I had a booster) and a pcr for covid. Negative. Apparently if you have had a booster for whooping cough you can get a mild version and you can spread it to other people. It’s a garden variety virus. I started to feel well enough to sleep. Waking up is not as much fun and I have no sense of smell. My cup of tea tastes like hot water. The Vicks vapour rub makes my eyes water but I can’t smell it. Vegimite tastes slightly salty. I hope it comes back soon. It might be the nasal spray I’m using. I might be the virus. Who knows!

I’m not 100 percent yet. But I can sit up and do stuff for a little while. I have been whiling away the time with a bit of writing, reading, and mostly watching The Golden Girls from season one. I was already watching Castle but that tends to be the evenings. We also finished watching Halo on Blu Ray which I really liked. Reading is still the same, but I am also reading a manuscript for the novel crit group.

Progress was great until I was struck down with the lurgy. Today I’m hoping it will be a good writing day. I am not sure how I’m going to finish this story. But I did create a very cool character that would make a good spin off story. He’s the White Wolf of Donegal!

So paranormal romance Destiny’s Blood is at 52,000 words. I hope to get to 60,000 by the end of the weekend. That will be hard as my son arrives from Singapore this afternoon and I enjoy spending time with him. Luckily he has to work though and so do I next week, with extra days, so I need to focus. I may only last an hour before I want to get horizontal.

The other project, Amber Rose, had a slight increment, to just over 22,000 words.

Both projects are pants projects so I have no idea what is going to happen. The characters just go in there and make shit up. Haha. It usually works out but somewhere I have think stuff up, maybe jot something down.

Let’s not talk about the WIPs…there is only so much one can do in a day.

I did get Emerald Fire into Hard back and Large Print Hard back and I’m expecting my print copy proofs next week. They go live on June 30. Go libraries. Go!

Also, a weird and wonderful thing happened. The copyright agency paid me money this week for my work being used. I have no idea what. I’ll go check.

Julian Assange is back in Australia. Who would have thunk it.

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